This full text database consists of 5 collections that may be searched in combination or separately. There are two series of African American newspapers (some as recent as the 1990s); two series of Early American Newspapers (From Colonies to Nation and The New Republic) and one set of early (mostly 19th century) California papers.
[Coverage: 1690-1990s]
Searchable, full-text of the most important colonial and early national newspaper covering America's relationship with Britain, the new republic, Jeffersonian democracy, and the American Revolution with articles, eyewitness accounts, and battle reports.
Includes The South Carolina Gazette, 1732-1775; The South Carolina & American General Gazette, 1764-1775; The South Carolina Gazette & Country Journal, 1765-1775; The Gazette of the State34 of South-Carolina, 1777-1780.
The Virginia Gazette was the first newspaper published in Virginia and the first to be published in the area south of the Potomac River in the colonial period of the United States. Issues have the following subtitle: “Containing the freshest advices, foreign and domestick” Between 1776 and 1780 there were often two and sometimes three competing papers with the same name publishing simultaneously. All available copies are included here with the competitors described as Virginia Gazette 2 and 3.