Search for print and ebooks:
Searching in a library catalog requires looking for broader topics such as soil amendment or dairy cattle genetics rather than the more specific biochar soil amendment for semi-arid regions or dairy cattle breeding for longevity.
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Locate books by call number:
Library of Congress Classification Outline
- RM214-258 Diet therapy. Dietary cookbooks
- RM259 Vitamin therapy
- TP subclass Chemical Technology
- TP370s Food Engineering & Technology
- TX subclass Home Economics
- TX1-1110 Home economics
- TX341-641 Nutrition. Foods and food supply
- TX642-840 Cooking (incl. cookbooks)
Please Note:
Clinical Nutrition materials may also be located at the Blaisdell Medical Library (BML) located at the UC Davis Medical Center. This library uses the National Library of Medicine Classification system for classifying the collection.
- WB 400 Dietetics. Diet therapy. Nutrition therapy
Classify works on diets to be used with particular diseases with the disease. Classify works on normal dietary practice in QT 235. Classify works on nutrition and food values in QU 145-145.5. Classify works on diet or nutrition therapy in children in WS 115-132; in the aged WT 115.
See the WB classification guide for a more detailed breakdown of these nutritional and diet therapy areas.
Access eBooks via major agricultural publisher collections:
Below is a list of electronic book collections with content in agriculture.
Tip: Some titles appear in the E-book databases before they are added to the library catalog. In some cases, searching in an E-book database, rather than the library catalog, will allow you to search within chapters or throughout the entire full text.
NOTE: The excellent newer agricultural publisher, Burleigh Dodds, is available via the Taylor & Francis eBooks collection. In addition, Taylor & Francis incorporates the extensive AGRICULTUREnetBASE collection.
CAB eBooks This link opens in a new windowCABI ebooks provides access to over 1,200 titles in the areas of: Agriculture, Forestry and Food; Veterinary and Animal Sciences; Environmental and Natural Sciences; Plant Sciences; Human Health; Biotechnology, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics and Techniques; Natural, Medicinal and Industrial End-products; Economics and Social Sciences; and Tourism, Hospitality, and Travel. Note: This collection includes a majority of titles published by CAB, but not all titles. In particular, the publisher has chosen not to include textbooks in this package.
[Coverage: 2000-present]
Wageningen Academic Publishers eBooksUC Davis has current years of eBooks licensed from this large university publisher of agriculture-related books. “Wageningen Academic Publishers is an independent STM publisher operating worldwide in the field of Life Sciences. Located at the heart of one of the world’s most famous food & agriculture research centres, we focus on topics in Animal and Veterinary, Food and Health, Agribusiness and Rural Studies, Agriculture and Environment. We currently publish ... around 30 new books per year.” Exclusions: textbooks
Coverage: 2002 - present (selected earlier titles)
Taylor & Francis This link opens in a new windowFull-text searching across the ebooks and major reference works published by Taylor & Francis and its imprints: CRC Press, Routledge, Garland and Psychology Press. Browse list of titles available. Disciplinary scope and coverage vary. Former CRCnetBASE collections incorporated in this collection include: AGRICULTUREnetBASE, BiomedicalSCIENCEnetBASE, CHEMnetBASE, ENGnetBASE, ENVIROnetBASE, FOODnetBASE, FORENSICnetBASE, MATHnetBASE, NUTRITIONnetBASE, STATSnetBASE and VETnetBASE (VetMed). Also included are newer Burleigh Dodds ebooks for agriculture. See also:
Advanced Search and
Taylor and Francis journals .
Access eBooks via major publisher collections:
UC Press eBooks Collection This link opens in a new windowThe University of California eBooks Collection includes about 2,000 titles and is made available through a partnership between the University of California Press and the California Digital Library's eScholarship program. About 25% of the titles are available to the general public; the rest are for University of California faculty, staff, and students only. Collection emphasizes social science and humanities.
[Coverage: 1982-2004]
Additional UC Press titles are available via the De Gruyter University Press Library
University Press titles may also be available in print or through other online packages and for additional years. Check UC Library Search for access to specific titles.
Science Direct eBook CollectionThousands of e-books with broad and favorable rights for scientific, scholarly and educational uses. Subjects include life, health and physical sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. EXCLUSIONS to the Elsevier collection are textbooks, major reference works, some professional and trade titles, and consumer books. NOTE: Green symbol on right indicates if accessible.
Wiley eBooks CollectionFull-text searching and access to more than 22,000 ebooks from the life, physical, health, and social sciences, as well as the humanities disciplines.
Coverage: 1790 - present
Note that comprehensive Reference works are found separately at
Springer eBooks CollectionSpringer eBooks includes more than 60,000 titles in English (and selectively in German) from every scientific discipline and many social sciences. Coverage: 2005-2020. This online interface enables all books to be searchable at the full-text level. Scope (textbook areas are starred) ranges from Architecture and Design, *Behavioral Science, *Biomedical and Life Sciences, *Business and Economics, *Chemistry and Materials Science, *Computer Science, *Earth and Environmental Science, *Engineering, *Humanities & Social Sciences and Law, *Mathematics and Statistics, *Medicine, *Physics and Astronomy, to Professional and Applied Computing. NEW books are added monthly. NOTE: Springer puts out new year titles 6 months before the new year date. Our contract is from Jan-Dec so a very recent book may not be accessible the first months of the new year. For example a 2021 book may be released in August 2020 but is NOT accessible until well into 2021.
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Coverage: 2005-2022