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UWP 104E: Writing in the Sciences

Find Articles via Subject Databases

How to Choose a Database

In deciding which database(s) to use, it is helpful to note:

  • Who: Who is authoring these publications? Are these scholarly, popular, or industry sources?
  • What: What can I find in the database? (e.g. articles, conference proceedings, data)
  • When: When does coverage begin? How well is historical literature covered? Does it include articles published in the last year?
  • Where: What is the geographical scope of the coverage? Does that match your research interest?

Recommended Subject Databases:

Related Research Guides:

How to Access the Full Text of an Article

"Get it at UC" Button

Get it at UC button icon Most databases provide a description of articles and other resources to help you find what you need by searching through the indexed literature within their website. Included as part of the item record is the “Get it at UC”  button. Clicking this button will direct you to a copy of the full text of the article. 

Interlibrary Loan Request

If we do not own a journal or book, you can submit an interlibrary loan (ILL) request to have the book or article (e)mailed to you for free from another UC library. Learn more about how to request books or articles.

Database Search Tips

1. Limits/Filters: To focus your search, utilize database features that allow you to specify criteria such as date and publication type, e.g. peer reviewed journals.

2. Sort Order: Note how your search results are organized – many databases sort by date (most recent articles first) rather than relevance.

3. Subject Terms/Descriptors: Pay attention to the subject terms associated with relevant articles because they can lead to other sources on your topic.

4. Get an Article: If the full article is not available, look for Get it at UC button icon . Use interlibrary loan to request copies of books, articles and other items that are not available through Get it at UC.

5. Not Satisfied? If you are not finding relevant results about your topic, try different combinations of search terms, or select another search tool.