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Medieval and Early Modern Studies

This guide contains resources specific to Medieval and Early Modern Studies.  Relevant material may also be found through other Research Guides including: History of Great Britain and Ireland; History of Europe; Women's History; Art, Architecture, Art History and Design; Classical Studies; Digital Images; and Religious Studies.

This first page includes essential bibliographies and a selection of reference works--both online and on paper--in the library's collection.

New Databases

Key Indexes

Reference Works--online

Reference Works--on the shelf

This is a selection of the Medieval and Early Modern Encyclopedias available in the Reference Collection on the Second floor of Shields Library


Following are selected titles from a series of country or region-based encyclopedias of the medieval world. Others, can be found by doing a "Title contains exact phrase" search in the library catalog for "encyclopedias of the Middle Ages". Some are also available online (see above).

Here is a selection of encyclopedias about the history of non-European parts of the world with entries on the medieval and early modern topics.