DSM-5-TR Clinical Cases by John W. Barnhill
DSM-5-TR Clinical Cases presents patient cases that exemplify the mental disorders categorized in DSM-5-TR, bringing DSM-5-TR alive for teachers and students of psychiatry, psychology, social work, nursing, and related mental health and healthcare fields. With chapters that correspond to the main DSM-5-TR diagnostic categories (i.e., the first 19 chapters in Section II), this book guides the reader through the complexities of clinical assessment and the many types of contextual information needed to obtain a full diagnostic picture of a patient. Every feature in the book helps to bridge the distance between the formal classification and the real-life presentation of patients: * The cases and discussions make for fresh, compelling reading for both experienced clinicians and those new to diagnostic classification. Case authors were selected for their expertise in the diagnostic categories described in the specific case. * Cases and their accompanying discussions adhere to a consistent format developed by the editor to fully illuminate the disorder being profiled. Areas explored in case discussions may include patient history (e.g., present illness, family psychiatric history, medical conditions), mental status exam and laboratory test results, and sex-, gender-, and culture-related issues. Each case closes with one or more diagnoses and a list of suggested readings.* As is often true in real life, the cases are incomplete, and not all diagnoses are clear-cut. The discussions often explore how the case may not entirely fit diagnostic criteria, and what other information might be helpful.* A comprehensive index enables readers to locate cases by type of disorder, special interests, and DSM-5-TR diagnosis.* The book is designed to serve as an auxiliary text in a variety of contexts--from graduate-level psychology courses to medical school and residency training programs to social work curricula. In addition, practicing clinicians can use the book to help firm up their diagnostic skills and to prepare for specialty examinations. Fascinating, practical, and instructive, DSM-5-TR Clinical Cases succeeds in bringing DSM-5-TR to the examining room.
ISBN: 1615373616
Publication Date: 2023
Case Files Psychiatry by Eugene C. Toy; Debra L. Klamen
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Realistic patient cases help sharpen your clinical decision-making skills The 60 cases in Case Files: Psychiatry feature realistic clinical scenarios designed to help you enhance and hone your clinical decision-making skills. Each case includes an easy-to-understand discussion correlated to key concepts, definitions of key terms, clinical pearls, and Board-style review questions to reinforce learning. The format allows you to review a patient vignette and then explore/examine the case in a contextual, application-based manner. The book is ideal for both quick-access and slow and careful study.
ISBN: 1260468739
Publication Date: 2020
Study Guide to Psychiatry by Philip R. Muskin; Anna L. Dickerman; Claire Holderness; Vivian Liu
Study Guide to Psychiatry is a question-and-answer companion that allows you to evaluate your mastery of the subject matter as you progress through The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry, Seventh Edition. The Study Guide is made up of more than 400 questions divided into 44 individual quizzes containing up to 20 questions each that correspond to the chapters in the Textbook. Questions are followed by an Answer Guide that references relevant text (including page numbers) in the Textbook to allow quick access to needed information. Each answer is accompanied by a discussion that addresses the correct response and also (when appropriate) explains why other responses are not correct. The Study Guide's companion, The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry, Seventh Edition, reflects advances in the understanding of the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric disorders as well as the positive, transformational change that has taken place in the field of psychiatry as a whole since the last edition. This edition incorporates a deep understanding of mechanisms of disease, novel therapeutic methods, evidence-based clinical approaches, and adaptive systems and models of care.
ISBN: 9781615373291
Publication Date: 2021
Psychiatry PreTest Self-Assessment and Review by Debra L. Klamen; Philip Pan
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Ace your clerkship and shelf exam with hundreds of student-reviewed Board-style practice questions and the current content you need to know Fully updated to reflect today's pediatric clerkship, Psychiatry: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review delivers the range of you need to succeed. Each question is accompanied by a detailed answer highlighting need-to-know information and explaining why each answer choice is right or wrong. To ensure that all content is relevant, timely, and high-yield, this edition was reviewed and edited by medical students who succeeded in their clerkship.
ISBN: 9781260467413
Publication Date: 2020
Print books at Blaisdell Medical Library
BRS Behavioral Science by Barbara Fadem
Offering current coverage of behavioral science, psychiatry, epidemiology, and related topics, BRS Behavioral Science, Eighth Edition, prepares students to rapidly recall key information on the mind-body relationship and confidently apply that knowledge on exams and in practice. The popular BRS format presents essential information in a succinct, streamlined approach preferred by today's busy students, accompanied by hundreds of USMLE-style review questions with detailed answers and explanations to help strengthen students' exam readiness. This updated edition equips students with the latest clinical findings and perspectives in areas they'll likely encounter on their exams, including up-to-date information on newly FDA-approved psychopharmacology agents, implications of the Affordable Care Act and other healthcare legislation, current neuroimaging techniques, newly identified substances of abuse, and contemporary examples of vital statistics such as birth rate, infant mortality rate, and more. Updated content details the latest developments in psychopharmacology, United States healthcare legislation, biological assessment of patients with psychiatric symptoms, and substance-related disorders to ready students for commonly tested topics. Convenient outline format makes exam preparation easy and efficient. Chapters reflect the full range of behavioral science--from growth and development through assessment, specific disorders, therapies, legal and ethical issues--and conform to the latest psychiatric classification system, DSM-5. Chapter-opening Typical Board Questions (TBQs) provide clinical context and familiarize students with how subjects are tested on the USMLE. More than 600 multiple-choice, USMLE-style questions--including many new and updated questions--bolster students' test-taking confidence and reinforce understanding with detailed explanations. End-of-book Comprehensive Exam with answers and detailed explanations also now includes cross-references back to the text for remediation. Bolded key terms simplify students' review of essential behavioral science terminology. 80 tables summarize essential information for quick access and efficient review.
Call Number: Print @ Blaisdell Medical Library
ISBN: 9781975188856
Publication Date: 2021
First Aid for the Psychiatry Clerkship, Sixth Edition by Latha Ganti; Matthew S. Kaufman; Sean M. Blitzstein
The best selling resource for the psychiatry clerkship Excel on your rotation, impress on the wards, and score your highest on the shelf exams with this best-selling reference. This new edition of First Aid for the Psychiatry Clerkship has been updated with the latest clinical perspectives and research. Ask just about any student who has been through their psychiatry rotation and they will tell you that THIS was the resource they turned to. It not only aligns with national clerkship curricula, but also follows the shelf exam blueprint and is full of helpful mnemonics, ward tips, exam tips, and integrated mini-cases. The chapter "How to Succeed in the Psychiatry Clerkship" provides a solid foundation for setting new clerks up for success in their psychiatry rotation. The text highlights all of the important topics, presenting a clear, concise review of psychiatry with a strong clinical emphasis that guides you in the diagnosis and treatment of many problems seen by psychiatrists. First Aid for the Psychiatry Clerkship features: The latest clinical research and perspectives Helpful mnemonics Ward tips and integrated mini-cases Images, diagrams, and flow charts in a fresh new-full color design A complete chapter on How to Succeed on the Psychiatry Clerkship Summary boxes with high-yield information needed for exam success
Call Number: Print @ Blaisdell Medical Library
ISBN: 1264257848
Publication Date: 2021
Blueprints Psychiatry by Michael Murphy
Concise and focused on high-yield content, this 6th Edition of Blueprints Psychiatry makes it easy for busy clerkship students to prep for shelf exams and the USMLE during moments of calm between busy hospital and clinical responsibilities. Part of the highly regarded Blueprints series, the book mirrors the major concepts and therapeutics of modern psychiatric practice, covering each major diagnostic category, each major class of somatic and psychotherapeutic treatment, legal issues, and special situations unique to the field. Now completely aligned with DSM-5, the Sixth Edition features a new full-color design, new images, and new case vignettes in every chapter. Updated: 100 updated Board-format questions with complete rationales appear in a question-and-answer section at the end of the book. New case vignettes with questions, answers, and full explanations in every chapter provide an ideal way to study. New design: A contemporary, full-color design makes navigation quick and easy. Up-to-date coverage: All diagnoses reflect those included in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th Edition (DSM-5). Pedagogically rich: Each brief chapter includes bolded key words, tables, figures, and key points to help residents succeed on exams. Complete: A Neural Basis section is included for each major diagnostic category. eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today's eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
Call Number: Print @ Blaisdell Medical Library
ISBN: 9781496381347
Publication Date: 2018
Lange Q&A Psychiatry by Sean M. Blitzstein
The most thorough psychiatry review available for the USMLE Step 2 CK and psychiatry clerkship exam - completely updated to reflect the DSM-5 Covering all of the clerkship''s core competencies, LANGE Q&A Psychiatry delivers more than 800 exam-style questions and answers with concise but comprehensive explanations of correct and incorrect answer options. The Eleventh Edition of this this trusted review simulates the USMLE Step 2 CK test-taking experience by delivering multiple-step clinical vignette questions and updates on the latest therapies for psychiatric diseases and disorders. Questions are carefully selected to match the style and difficulty level of what students will face on the test. · 800+ USMLE-style questions with answers and detailed explanations · Two comprehensive practice exams with over 100 questions each · Student and resident reviewed to make sure readers are studying the most relevant material possible · Questions focus on high-yield material, allowing students to maximize their study time · Contributions from Psychiatry faculty and residents
Call Number: Print @ Blaisdell Medical Library
ISBN: 1259643948
Publication Date: 2016