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Medical Education Research Resources


This guide is intended to help faculty, clinicians, students, and staff at UC Davis identify information resources (databases, journals, books/e-books, professional organizations, and library guides) to support their medical education research-related scholarly projects.

Note: See Off-Campus Access to learn about your options for remote access to licensed online resources.

Goal of Medical Education Research

"Medical education research improves teaching and training strategies, helps determine effective policies for the field, and shapes the future of clinical practice."  Source: OSMOSIS Blog

Medical education research scholarship "drives the practice of medical education forward, affecting how we educate trainees and ourselves, what we know about each other and our institutions, and how we identify and close gaps in our understanding of important topics." Source: American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC)

Getting Started

Use this selected list of resources to help you get started with your medical education research project.