The following databases provide access to primary studies in the health sciences. The list is ordered alphabetically, by title; however, the "best" database will vary based on the type of question that is being addressed.
CINAHL is a subject index that provides comprehensive coverage of the English language nursing, pharmacy, allied health, and consumer health literature.
Embase is a biomedical and pharmacological subject index of peer-reviewed journal articles and conference materials. It includes MEDLINE records plus additional coverage of international journals. Offers deep biomedical indexing and search tools to assist in building search strategies.
With PubMed for UC Davis, search results display "Get it at UC" buttons to navigate to full-text articles licensed by UC Davis or request articles that are not immediately available online. PubMed is a subject index from the National Library of Medicine which includes over 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and e-books.
Scopus is a large interdisciplinary abstract and citation index for academic journal literature, conference proceedings and books with broad coverage across the sciences and social sciences, includes citation tracking tools.