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Research Data Management

Data Repositories

A key aspect of data management involves not only making articles available, but also the data, code, and materials used to conduct that research. Data repositories are a centralized place to hold data, make data available for use, and organize data in a logical manner.

Which Repository Should I Use?

The best repository for sharing your data depends on your discipline. If there is a national or subject-level repository in your discipline, that would be your first choice. To determine if such repositories exist, you can search the registry of repositories re3data, or check the Open Access Directory of Data Repositories at Simmons University.

It is also possible that your funding agency or your state has a repository you can use. In the absence of these, there are a number of general subject repositories which can take your data. The NNLM Data Repository Finder is a tool that was developed to help locate NIH-supported repositories for sharing research data