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Chicana/o Studies

More Resources in the Library

As scholars (undergraduate, graduate and beyond), sharing our research helps advance knowledge forward. This section contains information on ways the library can help scholars with their managing data, managing citations, and getting guidance on sharing  research (i.e. publishing, copyright, etc).  Here you’ll find:

  • Data Management Plans. Here you’ll get guidance on keeping your research data organized, and obtain support maintaining data in a way that helps with reusability.

  • Data Lab. Datalab supports students of all levels, from all disciplines, on the topic of data science. They offer 1:1 consults, workshops and even credit bearing courses!

  • Citation Management. Managing the textual references (i.e. articles on topics you’re researching or otherwise interested in) can make all the difference. Use these tools to help you stay organized.

  • Open Access Publishing. Learn about making your scholarly research available to others.

Research Data Management

The Research Data Management Team supports UC Davis researchers to manage and share their data effectively and in compliance with relevant policies. Email to schedule a consultation related to the organization, storage, preservation, and sharing of data.

Data Management Plans

For assistance with any of the tools below, see the Data Analysis and Management page for contact information across data management topics.

DMPTool (Data Management Plan resources system)

Additional Data Management Tools

The UC Center for Curation Center (UC3) provides a variety of additional tools in addition to the DMPTool such as Dryad, EZID and Merritt.

UC Davis Data Lab

The UC Davis Data Lab is on the third floor of Shields Library. They provide a training environment for students at all levels to meet academic and industry needs for skilled graduates familiar with data across the scientific, engineering, social and humanities disciplines. Check out their Research Support page, amongst other pages on their website.

Citation Management

Consult the following Citation Management Tools webpage to determine which citation manager you should use and more.

Consult the following Citation Styles webpage to learn about disciplinary-wide styles such as APA, MLA, Chicago, CSE etc. 

Open Access Publishing and Copyright Support

To promote broad public access to the important work of UC Davis scholars, the University of California (as a system) and the UC Davis Library (individually) provide various forms of funding support to encourage authors to publish open access.