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Chicana/o Studies

Foundational Information

In this section, users will find some information resources providing overviews of concepts within scholarly research relevant to Chicanx Studies including:

  • Methods and methodologies.
  • Tertiary sources.
  • Theoretical frameworks.

In each tabbed section below, is some context about these concepts, as well as sources to explore on these concepts.

Sage Research Methods is a database that contains resources on topics providing guidance to different research methods, such as surveys, focus groups, and utilizing archival data. Searching within Sage Research Methods will help provide context for various matters relating to understanding and approaching scholarly research.

Consulting with tertiary sources, such as encyclopedias, and some bibliographies, help readers “develop a working knowledge of the topics that interest them” (Markey & Knott, 2023, p. 55). 


Markey, K., & Knott, C. (2023). Online searching: A guide to finding quality information efficiently and effectively. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Below are some terms on theoretical frameworks that can be incorporated into your scholarship. Searching these concepts within the list of scholarly databases (see research tools tab to your right) linked to in this guide will retrieve more information. 

Remember, if you are coupling two words together, add quotation marks around the phrase to help the search retrieve more precise results (otherwise the words will be searched as individual terms). Additionally, you can often use an asterisk (*) to include derivatives of a word. Try multiple versions of the search to see what yields the most results. Remember, you can always schedule time with a librarian to help you develop these search strategies!

Ex: “border* theor*” (quotation marks forces these two words to be searched together, the asterisk includes theories, theory, etc)

  • Borderlands theory (“border* theory”)
  • Chicana/Latina feminist theory (“latin* femin*”)
  • Critical race theory
  • Disability theory
  • LatCrit
  • Queer theory