Below are key dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks to introduce you to key concepts and research in environmental toxicology.
PLEASE NOTE: With the permanent closure of the Physical Sciences and Engineering Library during COVID time, all chemistry print books and other materials are now found in four locations: Shields Library sciences 3rd floor; Shields Library 2nd floor Reference collection (REFERENCE titles); temporary storage (at Carlson Health Sciences Library); or the Northern UC libraries storage facility, NRLF (Northern Regional Library Facility). The UCD Library Catalog notes which of these four locations your print chemistry materials may be found at.
Chemistry: Foundations and Applications
Print Location: QD4 C48 2004 Vols. 1-4
Encyclopedia of chemistry
Print Location: QD4 .R57 2005
McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Chemistry
Print Location: QD4 .M34 2004
Van Nostrand’s Encyclopedia of Chemistry
Print Location: QD4 .V36 2005
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