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Open Educational Resources (OER)

Supporting OER Adoption & Creation


The mission of the AggieOpen program is to promote a more equitable and culturally relevant educational experience at UC Davis by helping instructors access, adapt, adopt and author openly licensed course materials. 

Through AggieOpen, the university seeks to expand the availability of openly licensed educational content to provide course materials at minimal cost for the benefit of both UC Davis students locally and higher education globally.

AggieOpen encourages instructors to use openly licensed alternatives to commercially available course materials, such as open access or Creative Commons licensed publications, resources in the public domain, and learning objects and texts that instructors create themselves while achieving their pedagogical objectives.

Our goals are to
  • Promote the creation, adaptation, adoption, and curation of openly licensed materials by our instructors and students.
  • Provide support for instructors to incorporate openly licensed educational resources into their curriculum.
  • Improve availability and affordability of course materials.

Get help from the Library to adopt, adapt & author

Library experts can assist instructors with finding, evaluating, and using open education resources (OER).

We provide consultation for instructors developing strategies to identify OER that support their teaching style and course learning outcomes, as well as navigating copyright and open licensing.

We also host OER Discovery workshops where instructors can learn more about the spectrum of openly licensed learning materials and begin exploring available OER in their field.

AggieOpen can help instructors:
  • Find free, openly licensed course materials, including textbooks, streaming media, assessment tools, and dynamic content.
  • Author openly licensed course materials and textbooks using Creative Commons licenses.
  • Foster student engagement in creating openly licensed educational resources.

Program Activities

OER Discovery Workshop

Open educational resources encompass many types of teaching materials, including textbooks, assessment tools, and digital media. This session will provide attendees with strategies for finding, revising, and using OER that align with their syllabi. Participants will explore and evaluate resources, and receive an introduction to Creative Commons licensing. No prior knowledge or experience with OER is necessary!


AggieOpen Fellows

The AggieOpen Fellows initiative will invite instructors to apply for an award to adopt, adapt or create open educational resources (OER) for undergraduate courses.

These awards are intended to recognize the work involved in identifying, revising, creating, using, and/or sharing OER as alternatives for required commercial textbooks.