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Open Access Publishing at UC Davis

Publishing Support and Discounts

UC Transformative Open Access Agreements

The University of California has entered transformative open access agreements with a number of scholarly publishers. Under those agreements UC affiliated corresponding authors receive automatic subventions and/or discounts on the article processing charge (APC) for publishing their articles open access. Authors with access to research funding are asked to pay the remaining APC (multipayer model). If the author doesn't have research funding UC libraries will also cover the remaining APC.

In February 2022, the UC Academic Senate Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC) issued a statement regarding Open Access publishing in which the Committee strongly recommends that all UC authors choose the open access publishing option.

Each agreement has its own specifics, so check out the individual agreements on this webpage.

UC Davis Library Open Access Fund

This is a local UCD library fund (separate from the UC open access agreements) under which the library provides up to $1,000 for articles published in full open access journals. The fund does not apply to full OA journals that are covered by a UC open access agreement.

For more details on eligibility and the application process visit the Open Access Fund web page.

TOME Fund for Open Access Books

TOME (Towards an Open Monograph Ecosystem) is an initiative by academic libraries in the U.S. to support the publication of scholarly books in open access. UCD Library is part of the project and provides funding for open access book publishing with participating presses.

For more details on eligibility and the application process visit our TOME webpage.