Think of this course guide as a 'library menu' of resources and services to help you with NUT 120AN. Like a menu, this course guide is there for you to refer to when you need it – some things you may already use or are your favorite resources; others are new things to explore. Like a menu, you can pick and choose what you want to use – you don’t have to “consume” everything. Instead of exploring food and drink on your 'library menu,' you will be exploring the culture of the library: its systems, terminology, and how to find/use key published resources for your topics.
Please fill out our Library Survey!
Useful sources for finding recent research in all sciences, where you might find interesting topics, are the weekly magazines Science News and New Scientist. In addition, the premier journals SCIENCE and NATURE include the latest innovative research across the sciences. Nutrition journals which publish articles on nutritional anthropology include Ecology of Food and Nutrition and Journal of Nutrition Education (now titled Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior) which are both indexed in the CAB Abstracts database.
With your assigned group topic, you will need to think of search terms to use for locating articles and other publications. Search the UC Davis Library online catalog (for books, documentaries and more) and use the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and also (for books owned at the Blaisdell Medical Library) the National Library of Medicine (NLM) terms. Each library subject database also has subject lists/thesauri that can help you precisely search your topic, e.g CAB Abstracts has CABICODES and the CAB Thesaurus and BIOSIS Previews has Concept Codes, PubMed has MeSH, and more.
Before diving into your topic, locating some background information on the topic can be very helpful in refining your question. Try these book and reference resources to better develop your personal knowledge on a topic.
See the books/ebooks section for suggestions of terms for UCD Library Catalog searching.
After doing some background research, dive into your summary topic with these core databases (see databases section for a wider selection of databases).