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Generative Artificial Intelligence for Teaching, Research and Learning

Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the method to ask generative AI to produce what the individual needs.  There are two main principles of building a successful prompt for any AI, specificity and iteration. The box below includes one example of a framework that can be applied when prompting any generative AI.

AI Prompt Frameworks

The "CLEAR" framework to construct prompts:

Concise Brevity and clarity in prompts by removing superfluous language from a prompt so AI can focus on key components.   Example: "Explain entropy and its significance" versus "Please provide a detailed explanation about entropy and its significance."
Logical Structured and coherent prompts to create a logical flow and order of ideas.  Example: "Take me through the steps of building a good prompt, starting with how to develop a topic or question to retrieving the prompt result."
Explicit Clear output specifications that provide precise details about output format, content or scope.  Example: "Provide a 25 minute podcast script that provides a concise summary of entropy, its discovery and impact."  
Adaptive Flexibility and customization in prompts to allow refinement of an initial prompt.  Example: "Provide a 25 minute podcast script that provides a concise summary of entropy, its discovery and impact - gave too vague of results, an adaptive prompt might be, how does the concept of entropy apply in biology and apoptosis."
Reflective    Continuous evaluation and improvement of prompts to finally retrieve the results that will be useful to you.

Source: Lo, Leo, S. (2023). The CLEAR path: A Framework for Enhancing Information Literacy through Prompt EngineeringThe Journal of Academic Librarianship49(4).


Describe the subject in as much detail as you can

Style Specify the type of media or the specific style of art
Details Include further specifications about color, lighting, and so forth
Format of Output Specify the format the image will be, i.e. poster

Source: Harvard University, Information Technology, Getting Started with Prompts for Image-based Generative AI Tools, November 16, 2023

Key Takeaways

  • Be as specific as possible.

  • Most AI tools are not able to interpret abstract or nuanced concepts.

  • Use sequential prompting.

  • Each subsequent prompt is informed by the AI's previous response, creating a chain of interactions that progressively refines the model's output.

  • Provide examples for the AI tool to imitate.

  • Role-play with real-world scenarios and personas to provide context clues.

  • Use ‘Do’ or ‘Don’t’ commands.

  • Tailor your approach with the AI tool’s capabilities and limitations in mind.


Learn More about Frameworks for Prompt Engineering


How to Access the Full Text of an Article

"Get it at UC" Button

Get it at UC button icon Most databases provide a description of articles and other resources to help you find what you need by searching through the indexed literature within their website. Included as part of the item record is the “Get it at UC”  button. Clicking this button will direct you to a copy of the full text of the article. 

Interlibrary Loan Request

If we do not own a journal or book, you can submit an interlibrary loan (ILL) request to have the book or article (e)mailed to you for free from another UC library. Learn more about how to request books or articles.