Started in 2010, the entire journal is dedicated to protocols, field methods and “promotes the development of new methods in ecology & evolution, and facilitates their dissemination and uptake by the research community.”
A definitive, interactive source of new and classic research techniques. The database includes sections on: Antibodies, Bioinformatics/Genomics, Cell Biology, Chromatography, Computational Biology, DNA Delivery/Gene Transfer, Electrophoresis, Genetics, High-Throughput Analysis, Imaging/Microscopy, Immunology, Laboratory Organisms, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Plant Biology, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Proteins and Proteomics, RNA Interference (RNAi)/siRNA, Stem Cells, and Transgenic Technology. Unique to this resource is the ability to submit a protocol. Other unique features include protocol recipes and protocol cautions.
[Coverage: 2006-present]
Covers over 20,000 updated, peer-reviewed protocols. UC CDL/UCD Library subscribes to THIRTEEN major laboratory methods and protocols series including the classic comprehensive work "Current Protocols in Molecular Biology" with other titles being CP in: Bioinformatics; Cell Biology; Cytometry; Human Genetics; Immunology; Microbiology; Mouse Biology; Neuroscience; Nucleic Acid Chemistry; Protein Science; Pharmacology; and Toxicology. Includes basic, alternate, and support protocols with literature cited and information on suppliers for standard materials and preparation information for reagents and solutions. IMPORTANT NOTE: UC Davis does NOT license the following FIVE protocol titles: "Chemical Biology", "Essential Laboratory Techniques", "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "Plant Biology" (new as of May 2016 with very little content) and "Stem Cell Biology".
A peer reviewed scientific video journal that publishes methods articles accompanied by videos of experiments. Articles are indexed in PubMed, Web of Science, SciFinder, and Scopus. Subject areas include: behavior, biochemistry, bioengineering, biology, cancer research, chemistry, developmental biology, engineering, environment, genetics, immunology and infection, medicine, neuroscience. In addition to the JoVE Journal, the JoVE Research platform includes: Methods Collections, and Encyclopedia of Experiments. UC Davis has full access to the entire JoVE platform.