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WFC 120: Biology & Conservation of Fishes

Getting Started

FACULTY:  Andrew Rypel —

Use the resources on this guide to locate publications for your fish paper.

Top publications in fish biology/conservation, where you might find interesting species to explore, are the journals Fish and FisheriesEcology of Freshwater Fish, Journal of Fish Biology, and Marine Ecology and Progress Series (MEPS).

Fish Biology and Conservation Search Terms

The UC Davis Library online catalog uses Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). Each library subject database — such as BIOSIS Previews or Zoological Record — also uses subject lists that can help you precisely search your topic.  All life sciences subject databases will have taxonomic searching features available for searching by various taxa groups such as phyla or orders or families.

Please fill out the Library Survey !

Key Resources for WFC 120

These subject databases may be demonstrated or discussed at the library session.