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UWP 121H: History of Scientific Writing

Getting Started

Science Writing Topic Ideas and Search Terms

The top journals Science and Nature have been publishing key science literature since the 19th century. Top licensed biology-focused journals include: Biological Reviews, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences (oldest continuously published biology journal in the world),  Quarterly Review of Biology, BioScience, FASEB (Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology) Journal and BioEssays.  Premier licensed medical journals — publishing since the 19th century — include JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine),  Lancet, and  BMJ (British Medical Journal).  See also the Journal Citation Reports to find top journal publications in other science categories including key titles about the History and Philosophy of Science.  

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Key Databases for class

Before diving into your topic, doing some background information on the topic can be very helpful, to help refine your question.  Try these resources, not for references in your literature review, but to better develop your personal knowledge on a topic.

After doing some background research, dive into your topic and your research question with these databases  (see databases for more detailed list):