Below are dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks to introduce you to key concepts and research in maternal nutrition.
Food by Robert PalmatierEach of the more than seven hundred entries in the dictionary contains a description of the historical background of each of the two types of language, literal and nonliteral, and provides an explanation for the relationship between them. Wherever possible, dates of first record in English are provided, along with the bibliographical sources of these dates; and all of the works that record those terms and expressions are given in coded form as listed in the Key to Works Cited. A Guide to Reading the Entries illustrates the typical form of an entry by analyzing an example from the dictionary that introduces five nonliteral expressions, cites thirteen bibliographical sources, and refers the reader to three other relevant entries by means of cross-references. Following the dictionary proper is a Classification of Terms According to Source, in which nearly three hundred nonliteral terms and expressions are listed under the more than four hundred literal categories from which they derive.
ISBN: 0313314365
Publication Date: 2000
Dictionary of Food Ingredients by Robert S. IgoeThe Dictionary of Food Ingredients is a unique, easy-to-use source of information on over 1,000 food ingredients and additives. Like the previous editions, the Fifth Edition provides clear and concise information on currently used additives, including natural ingredients, FDA-approved artificial ingredients, and compounds used in food processing. The dictionary entries, organized in alphabetical order, include information on ingredient functions, chemical properties, and uses in food products. This revised and updated fifth edition also features a new section, "Food Definitions and Formulations," a thoroughly expanded list of food ingredients approved for use in the European Union, with E numbers, as well as new information on existing and more recently approved ingredients.
ISBN: 1441997121
Publication Date: 2011
The Concise Encyclopedia of Foods and Nutrition by Audrey H. Ensminger; Marion Eugene Ensminger; James E. Konlande; John R. K. RobsonHighlighting the practical and nutritional facts readers want to know, The Concise Encyclopedia covers the whole gamut of foods, health, and nutrition. The topics are arranged alphabetically and cross-referenced, provide alternative names, and are indexed for ease-of-use. The book contains 2,800 entries and includes 1,962 illustrations, 96 of which are full color photographs. It provides 462 tables, the USDA food pyramid, recommended daily allowances of vitamins and minerals, and nutritional analyses of 314 of the most popular fast foods. In addition, it discusses food labeling legislation and offers ways to reduce the chances of death by heart disease, stroke, and cancer through diet and nutrition.
ISBN: 0849344557
Publication Date: 1995
Encyclopedia of Human NutritionThe role of nutrition in improving quality of life and combating disease is undeniable -- and researchers from different disciplines are bringing their perspectives to bear on this fundamental topic. The 4-volume Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Third Edition, is a thorough revision of the previous award-winning version and reflects the scientific advances in the field of human nutrition. It presents the latest understanding on a wide range of nutrition-related topics including food safety, weight management, vitamins, bioengineering of foods, plant based diet and raw foods among others. New articles on organic food, biofortification, nutritional labeling and the effect of religious customs on diet, among many others, reflect the dedication to currency in this revision. It not only contains the most current and thorough information available on the topic, but also contains broader cross-referencing on emerging opportunities for potential treatment and prevention of diseases. An ideal starting point for scientific research, Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Third Edition, continues to provide authoritative information in an accessible format, making this complex discipline available to readers at both the professional and non-professional level.
ISBN: 0123750830
Publication Date: 2013
ASPEN Parenteral Nutrition Handbook, Third Edition by Phil Ayers (Editor); Peggi Guenter (Editor); Beverly Holcombe (Editor); Steve Plogsted (Editor)An essesntial handbook for the latest ASPEN parenteral nutrition safety consensus recommendations and clinical guidelines. It features comprehensive information to help practitioners safely, effectively, and confidently care for patients receiving parenteral nutrition. A quick-reference handbook, interdisciplinary guidance is provided for access devices, formulations, and prescriptions; treatment for common mechanical, metabolic, and infectious complications; order review, compounding, and drug shortage management; management of patients outside the hospital; and, considerations for pediatric patients.
ISBN: 9781889622422
Publication Date: 2020
CRC Desk Reference for Nutrition by Carolyn D. BerdanierFollowing in the tradition of its popular predecessors, the CRC Desk Reference for Nutrition, Third Edition explains hundreds of terms commonly used in medicine, food science, metabolism, physiology, and nutrition. Thoroughly updated and expanded to reflect major advances over the past decade, this reference lists entries alphabetically and cross-references them when multiple terms are used for the same definition. Each entry is followed either by a definition, paragraph, essay, composition, article, or feature article. Many of the more complex entries are supported with figures or tables. New Material in the Third Edition Gut hormones and their functions Food intake recommendations New drugs with nutritional applications Novel discoveries of transport and messenger proteins Gene polymorphisms involved in nutritional responses A compilation of terms of interest to the nutritionist and non-nutritionist, this book is an alphabetical list of medical terms, drugs, biochemical, genetic and physiological terms relevant to understanding the need for and use of nutrients.
ISBN: 1439848440
Publication Date: 2011
Handbook of Nutrition, Diet, and Epigenetics by Vinood Patel (Editor); Victor Preedy (Editor)This multivolume reference work addresses the fact that the well being of humankind is predicated not only on individuals receiving adequate nutrition but also on their genetic makeup. The work includes more than 100 chapters organized in the following major sections: Introduction and Overview; Epigenetics of Organs and Diseases in Relation to Diet and Nutrition; Detailed Processes in Epigenetics of Diet and Nutrition; Modulating Epigenetics with Diet and Nutrition; and Practical Techniques. While it is well known that genes may encode proteins responsible for structural and dynamic components, there is an increasing body of evidence to suggest that nutrition itself may alter the way in which genes are expressed via the process of epigenetics. This is where chemically imposed alteration in the DNA sequence occurs or where the functional expression of DNA is modulated. This may include changes in DNA methylation, non-coding RNA, chromatin, histone acetylation or methylation, and genomic imprinting. Knowledge regarding the number of dietary components that impact on epigenetic processes is increasing almost daily. Marshalling all the information on the complex relationships between diet, nutrition, and epigenetic processes is somewhat difficult due to the wide myriad of material. It is for this reason that the present work has been compiled.
ISBN: 3319311433
Publication Date: 2020
Handbook of Nutrition and Food by Carolyn D. Berdanier (Editor); Johanna T. Dwyer (Editor); David Heber (Editor)The new edition of the Handbook of Nutrition and Food follows the format of the bestselling earlier editions, providing a reference guide for many of the issues on health and well being that are affected by nutrition. Completely revised, the third edition contains 20 new chapters, 50 percent new figures. A comprehensive resource, this book is a reference guide for many of the issues on health and well being that are affected by nutrition. Divided into five parts, the sections cover food, including its composition, constituents, labeling, and analysis; nutrition as a science, covering basic terminology, nutritional biochemistry, nutrition and genetics, food intake regulation, and micronutrients; nutrient needs throughout the human life cycle; assessment of nutrient intake adequacy; and clinical nutrition, from assessments to a wide variety of disease and health topics.
ISBN: 1466505729
Publication Date: 2016
Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy by Carol J. Lammi-Keefe (Editor); Sarah C. Couch (Editor); John Kirwan (Editor)This easy to use text provides practitioners and researchers with a global view of current and emerging issues concerned with successful pregnancy outcomes and approaches that have been successful or show promise in ensuring a successful pregnancy. The fully updated and revised second edition expands its scope with topics not covered in the first edition including pregnancy and military service; sleep disorders during pregnancy; the gut microbiome during pregnancy and the newborn; requirement for vitamin D in pregnancy; the environment--contaminants and pregnancy; preeclampsia and new approaches to treatment; health disparities for whites, blacks, and teen pregnancies; depression in pregnancy--role of yoga; safe food handling for successful pregnancy outcome; relationship of epigenetics and diet in pregnancy; caffeine during pregnancy; polycystic ovary syndrome; US Hispanics and preterm births; celiac disease and pregnancy; cannabis use during pregnancy. The second edition of Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy will be a valuable resource for clinicians and other healthcare professionals who treat and counsel women of child-bearing age and pregnant women.
ISBN: 9783319909868
Publication Date: 2018
Infant, Child and Adolescent Nutrition by Judy MoreInfant, Child and Adolescent Nutrition: A Practical Guide, Second Edition, is an evidence-based, practical guide introducing readers to the theory behind optimal child nutrition. Containing practical advice on how to put that theory into practice, this new edition facilitates learning through case studies, key points, and learning activities. Divided into seven sections, chapters cover prenatal nutrition and nutrition throughout childhood from preterm babies to adolescents up to the age of 18. Sections throughout focus on topics ranging from nutrient requirements, balanced eating patterns and common problems to cultural influences on food choices and guidelines on assessing growth and dietary intakes. Prevention and management of obesity and allergies are covered in separate chapters. The first 1000 days are given particular consideration with chapters on diets for preconception, pregnancy, milk feeding and complementary feeding during infancy. The chapter on nutritional treatments covers common conditions such as diabetes and Crohn's disease, as well as more intricate feeding regimes and tube feeding required for children with rarer diseases and syndromes. New in this second edition are: · Changes in in food allergy prevention and oral immunotherapy treatments. · Causes and management strategies to deal with fussy and selective eating in toddlers. · The importance of iodine in diets before and during pregnancy to improve children's cognitive abilities. · Updated recommendations on vitamin D supplementation. This second edition is an essential reading for students taking courses in nutrition and paediatric healthcare. It serves as a useful reference for individuals responsible for the nutritional intakes of children in primary care and community settings including early years practitioners, midwives, health visitors, school nurses and governors, social workers, paediatricians and general practitioners. About the Author Judy More BSc, RD, RN is a Paediatric Dietitian, Honorary Lecturer at the University of Plymouth, UK and Director of Ltd, London, UK.
ISBN: 1000369749
Publication Date: 2021
Oxford Handbook of Nutrition and Dietetics by Joan Webster-Gandy (Editor); Angela Madden (Editor); Michelle Holdsworth (Editor)The importance of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease and the maintenance of good health is being increasingly recognised. Nutrition is an area that all health professionals need to be aware of and yet one in which few are specifically trained. However it is now becoming a valued topic in many curricula. The Oxford Handbook of Nutrition and Dietetics makes this information more accessible to dieticians, doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and other healthcare professionals by providing a practical, easily accessible, concise and up-to-date evidence-based guide in a user-friendly portable handbook. It covers the entire life cycle from preconception to old age. As the general public is increasingly aware of the food they eat and the role nutrition plays in health and disease, health professionalsmust have the kind of knowledge in this book at their fingertips.