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Clinical Apps

Micromedex Drug Reference

Get the App

Get Access

  1. While on a campus wifi network, or the UCDH or Library VPN, direct your browser to Micromedex
  2. On the homepage, click 'Download Mobile Apps'
  3. Click 'Micromedex Native Mobile Apps (Offline access, included with content subscription)'
  4. Follow the simple instructions under Micromedex® Drug Ref to download and activate the app
  5. If you encounter problems, consult the Micromedex Solutions Help.

App Description

Micromedex offers comprehensive drug and toxicology information.

Also available: Micromedex NeoFax, Micromedex Pediatrics, & Micromedex IV Compatibility, Micromedex Drug Interactions.

Get Help

  1. On the app homepage, click 'Information'
  2. Click 'Help'
  3. Select help option

*Last updated 7/2/2024