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ANS 2: Introduction to Animal Science

Getting Started

FACULTY: Elizabeth Maga  —

Use the resources on this guide to find relevant literature on domesticated animal  pre- or post-birth maternal behavior.  Below are key resources to get you started in locating farm animal behavior literature.

Please note:  Comprehensive literature searching in animal behavior areas requires consulting a variety of resources  listed in the Databases section.

Librarian Instructors for ANS 2, Spring Quarters - Appointment information

Please fill out the survey to evaluate the UC Davis Library resources  (whether Canvas library module, videos or presentations during your labs the first week of classes)!


Key Resource for ANS 2

The CAB (Commonwealth Agircultural Bureaux) Abstracts database is the most comprehensive literature database for agricultural sciences with excellent information on animal science/livestock.

We will use the Ovid search system/platform for searching CAB Abstracts.