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ANS 140: Laboratory Animal Management

Getting Started

FACULTY: Sandra Weisker —

Use the resources on this guide to locate literature related to animal testing protocols for laboratory rodents or rabbits.

Animal-Related Library Collections:  UC Davis has the most extensive organismal animal research library collections in the University of California Library system. The UCD Library supports the UCD departments and faculty of:

as well as the only School of Veterinary Medicine in the University of California. Graduate level collections also support the Center for Population Biology, and graduate programs in Animal BehaviorAnimal Biology, and Avian Sciences.   UCD also has the only Primate Center in the UC system and many researchers there are faculty in departments or schools listed above or in the Evolutionary Wing of the Anthropology department, College of Letters & Science.

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Key Resources for ANS 140

These subject databases may be demonstrated or discussed at the library session.

All life sciences subject databases will have taxonomic searching features available for searching by various taxa groups such as phyla or orders or families.