TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information Resource) contains a database of genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Data available from TAIR include the complete genome sequence, gene structure, gene product information, gene expression, DNA and seed stocks, genome maps, genetic and physical markers, publications, and information about the Arabidopsis research community. Gene product function data is updated weekly from the latest published research and community data submissions. TAIR consists of a searchable relational database, which includes many different datatypes. Data can be viewed using a interactive MapViewer, and analyzed with our tools. Datasets can be downloaded. In addition, pages on news, information on the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI), Arabidopsis lab protocols, and useful links are provided.
BioCyc is a comprehensive resource for data on genomes, genes, metabolites, and metabolic pathways for more than 7,600 microbes and other species (http://biocyc.org/biocyc-pgdb-list.shtml). NOTE: Preferred browser is Firefox. BioCyc provides access to data in over 17,000 individual databases, and also provides a comprehensive set of informatics tools for data query, visualization and analysis. By coupling unique and high-quality database content with user-friendly bioinformatics tools, BioCyc enables scientists to pursue a wide range of research in microbial genomics, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, anti-microbial drug discovery, and more. For information on the content and unique features of BioCyc, please see: http://www.phoenixbioinformatics.org/biocyc/assets/20170125-biocyc-metabolic-pathways-web-portal.pdf. Initially supported by U.S. government grants, BioCyc transitioned to non-profit subscription funding as of July 1, 2016. The EcoCyc and MetaCyc databases within the BioCyc collection of Pathway/Genome Databases remain freely available due to continued government grant funding. In addition, BioCyc provides non-subscribers with a limited number of free page accesses per month to data in the licensed databases as a service to the research community. Seven campuses (Berkeley + Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, Santa Cruz and San Diego) have renewed the BioCyc three-year Tier 2 license.