This guide is geared for the course to help students find peer-reviewed literature like primary and synthesis evidence (Foreground/Clinical questions) with the context of this research in text book chapters or narrative review articles (Background questions), and the current statistics for perspective.
Below is a list of resources:
Background resources: to provide context and understand the who, what, where, when and why of cultural determinants of health.
Foreground resources: to provide current primary and synthesis research to actively support ideas of what creates health disparities.
Statistics: an overview of demographic/geographical information.
For assignment 2, you will focus on the foreground resources to retrieve your peer-reviewed articles and utilize the year filters (on the left) to discover content in the last five years. Don't forget for the articles you include, you need to summarize:
1. Name of article (provide link)
2. Discuss the purpose of the research article (what is the point in the abstract)
3. Describe the sample population (what information about participants? - see table one, if a review - what studies were incorporated?)
4. Discuss the research findings (in results and conclusion, what contextual/structural factors were explored)?
5. Discuss the significance of the article to family and community health.