FACULTY: Fran Keller — mfkeller@ucdavis.edu
Use the resources on this guide to find relevant sources for your ENT 100 insect literature searching.
UC Davis has one of the most extensive entomology collections in the University of California Library system. In particular, the bee biology and pollination biology collection located at Shields Library is world-class, with materials in a wide variety of languages and formats (DVDs, conference proceedings, field guides, children’s books etc.) and 100s of rarer volumes from the 1800s and earlier.
The Carlson Health Sciences Library (closed as of June 2022) held veterinary-related titles pertaining to entomology and titles concerned with human diseases caused by insect vectors in the field of medical entomology. These resources are now noted in the UCD Library Catalog as being located in 'Temporary Storage' while being transferred to Shields Library or to storage. These resources can be requested for delivery to check out from the Shields Library or shipped to your home; or for digitization of chapters or articles.
These subject databases may be demonstrated or discussed at the library session.
Search BIOSIS Previews for basic biology of an insect including: anatomy and physiology, behavior, ecology, genetics, molecular biology, nutrition and feeding, reproduction, and taxonomy and systematics. BIOSIS Previews is also excellent for searching insect models for studying genetics, development, and more such as Drosophila.
Search CAB Abstracts for insects that are beneficial to agriculture (pollinators, natural predators) or insect pests in agriculture.
Use Zoological Record for rarer species which mostly have scientific literature from field work/studies.
Search ASFA for insect stages that are used in evaluation of stream quality (environmental indicators).
All life sciences subject databases will have taxonomic searching features available for searching by various taxa groups such as phyla or orders or families.